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Freemasonry in Germany

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Angela Merkel, Junkers, Theresa May, E.U., U.K., Masons, Freemasonry, Freemasons, Masonic Lodge

Research & News Articles

E.U./U.K. - Express: Does hand sign made by Merkel, May and now Juncker prove there is a secret E.U. illuminati? - 22/07/2016

U.K./E.U. - Zero Hedge: Masters of the Universe - Goldman Sachs Hires Former E.U. President Bro. José Manuel Barroso As Advisor - 08/07/2016

FW Post - Germany hosts Ukraine crisis talks (Freemason Gesture Bro. Laurent Fabius) - 25/03/2015

David Lindsey Blog: Is There No Help For The Widow’s Son? (Hans Kung honouring by the Freemasons) - 02/07/2014

Kath.net: Masons met in the Potsdam Peace Church - 15/02/14

Katholisches.info: Der Schatten der Freimaurer über dem Elysee-Palast | The shadow of the Freemasons to the Elysee Palace - 06/08/2013

Freemasonry Watch Blog - Bro. Karlheinze Schreiber Trial Begins in Augsburg - 18/01/10

Wired Magazine: They Cracked This 250-Year-Old Code, and Found a Secret Society Inside: The Oculists’ emphasis - 16/11/12

The Eponymous Flower Blog - EXPOSED - Masonic Rituals at St Michaelis Church, Hamburg, Michaelmas Day 2012 (VIDEO) - 08/10/12

Further Reading

'Global' Freemasonry: A Certain Point Within A Circle - The Masonic 'Family'