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Masonic Initiation Ritual Revealed as a Veiled Mockery of the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Rotating Compass & Square

Diabolic by Design


The following page is a mirror of the website 'Freemasons - Sons of the Widow' that existed on a free webpage host service that was forced off the net by an intensive organized complaint campaign carried out by Freemasonry in 2002 that had been attempting to rid the internet of websites that were critical of the 'fraternity'.

It is among one of the most incisive and probing dissections of Masonic Ritual ever written.

Sons of the Widow

'The process of the initiations is an exercise in falsehood, dishonor, and mockery'

Table of Contents

Review of the First, Second, and Third Degrees of Masonry
Symbolic Dress in Masonry
Passwords First & Second Degree of Masonry
Third Degree Word of Masonry
Royal Arch Word and Password of Masonry
Removal of Metal and Jewelry & other stuff
The Recurring Theme
Skull & Bones
Isaiah 14
Immoral Baptism?
The Lions Grasp
Square & Compass
Other Stuff
Knight Templar
Good v Evil


Welcome to the site. Firstly lets start with some direct answers to some simple questions.

What this site does.

This site aims to consolidate and expand upon four sister sites. It aims to pick out the ‘best’ sections of each site.

It aims to provide those curious about Freemasonry with information for their consideration.

It is strongly critical of the Freemasonic system of initiation. It argues that this system is deliberately intended to be deceptive.

It is not critical of the individual Freemason.

Is this site intended for Freemasons?

Not primarily.

This site is primarily intended for those curious about Freemasonry and for those who may be considering joining.

Is the site Anti-Masonic?

Several of the initiations and the details of the same are described. It also aims to strip away some of the secrecy of Freemasonry. In this sense it does represent an opposition to Freemasonry which prefers the initiate to join in ignorance of the proceedings.

The site does illustrate the deceptive nature of Freemasonic initiation. Yet it is not anti Freemasonry on an individual and personal level.

It argues that the Entered Apprentice has been deceived. It is not intended as a condemnation of the same.

Every one can be and has been deceived in some part of their life. This does not define an individual as being anything other than human.

What approach is used?

Masonic Initiation relies heavily upon biblical text. Consequently, if one wanted the truth about the nature of the initiations one had to do some biblical research. Indeed, the Entered Apprentice is specifically instructed to research the ‘Volume of Sacred Law’ during the First Degree.

Now a days, search engines of biblical text are available which allow a reasonably scientific approach to such study. For example, if one were to search for the word ‘apron’ and find only two hits then one could be reasonably certain that the initiations referred to both or one of those particular passages. Similarly, if one searched for the Masonic password ‘Shibboleth’ and had only one hit then one could be certain that the word was sourced from a particular verse.

Using such methodology removes a significant element of biblical interpretation and can help establish a logical pattern and theme.

What if I don’t like the theme identified?

This is only a web site. It is not imposed upon you. Don’t read it if you don’t want to.

Killing by the sword?

This site doesn’t intend trespassing upon anyone’s faith. However, for a Freemason with faith, there will undoubtedly be elements which could cause some degree of discomfort.

Again it is emphasized, this is not imposed upon you, just don’t read it if it makes you uncomfortable.

Strengthen ones brothers. The paradox

Here is the paradox. How can one reveal any deception without causing some offense? At the same time how can one sit and say nothing while others stumble into a snare?

One advantage I have is that I am not bound by any oath ever taken which would prevent me from discussing the content of Masonic Initiation.

However, the paradox remains and, for those who are members, this is considered to be one of Freemasonry’s most potent and wicked of snares.

I am not a member. Although members of my family and a number of friends either have been or are still members. .

For the existing member I would simply say, contend for the faith and fight the good fight.

I would also remind those for the third time that visiting and reading this site is entirely voluntary. It can be turned off at any point.

For the non member it is hoped that this site and the information it contains may prove to be useful and profitable.

What is the significance of the symbol?

The symbol is the St. Magnus Cross. One popular book concerning Freemasonry claims it to be a representation of a Knight Templar Cross.

Freemasonry has created its own version of the Knight Templar Degree. The original Knight Templars were executed as devil worshippers. In Freemasonry the Degree is supposed to represent some one who would defend the Christian faith.

In the words of St. Albertus Magnus on the subject of theology and say of demonology; A daemonibus docetur, de daemonibus docet, et ad daemones ducit - "It is taught by the demons, it teaches about the demons and it leads to the demons”.

The same sentiment is considered to apply to Freemasonic initiation.

Does this site presume to teach?

Teach about what?

This site is not an appropriate setting to teach about Christianity although certain themes must necessarily be addressed simply because Freemasonry employs so much biblical material in its initiations.

Neither will the site attempt to reproduce the traditional ‘teachings’ of Freemasonry.

This site is a presentation of findings concerning Freemasonry.

It presents information which would be unlikely to come from a Masonic source. Much of this information is novel. I am not aware of anyone else adopting a similar approach to the subject.

What will be found is a presentation of interesting facts, figures and a logical interpretation of Masonic Initiation.

It is provided for individual consideration and it is hoped that after reflection the person would then shun Freemasonry rather than enter. However, that is an individual choice and there is no harm in having some foreknowledge to help make an educated decision.


Albert Pike: ‘The pretended possession of mysterious secrets, has enabled Masonry to number its initiates by tens of thousands. Never were any pretenses to the possession of mysterious knowledge so baseless and so absurd as those of the Blue and Royal Chapter Degrees.’

‘The Mystery of Freemasonry’ a common Masonic saying.

Freemasonry presents no real mystery other than the contents of its initiations which are supposedly secret. The contents of these initiations are revealing. Aspects of the initiations are described in Walton Hannah’s book ‘Darkness Visible’ confirmed as being accurate by the Grand Secretary of the English Lodge.

This site will look at the most characteristic aspects of the initiations and Freemasonry. It will comment upon the significance of the same.

The Third Degree is considered by many to be, symbolically, the ‘highest’ and most significant among Freemasons. Consequently, this site will especially concentrate upon this. However, aspects of other degrees will also be touched upon.

The above sketch is generally representative of the dress state of the initiate progressing through the initiations up to the Third Degree. The initiate is lowered onto a representation of a grave during the Third Degree.

Every Mason declares that he has been taught to be cautious by the time he reaches the Third Degree. They have been taught to be cautious by 1) Placing blind trust in people they have never met 2) Allowing themselves to progress through initiations in which ignorance of the proceedings was the uppermost requirement 3) Swearing oaths before God about elements of the initiations which they were required to know nothing about in the first place. 4) Being rendered highly vulnerable to suggestion.

Such actions may appear humorous and completely absurd to most people. Indeed, it would be worthy of laughter if the possible implications were not so serious.


Freemasonry employs a significant amount of biblical text and symbolism in its initiations. Primarily the Old Testament is employed directly, however there are a number of instances of the New Testament being employed also.

A proclamation in the belief in God is an essential requirement for entry.

Consequently the only way one can really begin to understand Masonic initiation is to do some bible research.

One very useful tool for this is the search engine. Using a systematic approach concerning key elements of Masonic symbolism is especially revealing.

From the outset this site aims to demonstrate that Freemasonic Initiation is deceptive and is especially and specifically intended to be Anti Christian.

What is meant by this?

It will be shown beyond reasonable doubt that the initiations have been deliberately constructed to include direct and subtle references to the devil. Not one or two coincidental overlaps but so many obvious similarities, according to biblical text, that when viewed or presented together the notion of random coincidence does not apply.

Why? What purpose would such a deceptive system of initiation serve?

Why not? The reasons for the construction of such a system of initiation are also biblical. It is simply wicked, to lay snares for innocents without cause.

Freemasonry does indeed aim to attract as many decent men it can. Only so that they may be corrupted in some manner.

What more effective method of corruption could be devised which required the initiate to enact a pantomime in which he embraces numerous symbolic issues that are associated with the enemy of the God he was required to have faith in prior to joining?

This site will demonstrate that Masonic initiation is simply an exercise in falsehood. It will be further shown that rather than ‘making good men better’, a common masonic saying, the initiations rely upon abusing the initiates lack of biblical knowledge.

It will do this as objectively and clearly as it can.

Review of the First, Second, and Third Degrees of Masonry

The initiations are full of references to a Supreme Being under a variety of different names. According to Freemasonry this is under the guise of religious tolerance such that the initiate may assume that these names refer to the God of their own religious belief. It must also be appreciated that a belief in God is a prerequisite for membership.

It is important to realize that such a generalization facilitates the worship of any deity.

In addition, at the time of the official formation of Freemasonry, there were not the wide variety of religions or cults as there are today. Consequently, the mantra of religious tolerance primarily related to Catholicism and Protestantism in the UK In this regard Catholicism banned its members from joining Freemasonry in 1738, a ban that is still in force today. This link discusses how both Protestant and Catholic texts have been employed by Freemasonry.

Numerous authors have questioned the absence of Jesus Christ throughout the initiations. A Freemason would probably respond by saying that the initiations are deliberately vague in order to facilitate religious tolerance and accommodate the personal religious belief systems of its members.

In addition, the initiations especially revolve around Old Testament text and obviously Jesus is described in the New Testament.

However, references which were deemed ‘Christian’ were deliberately removed from the initiations in 1813. This was done when the two English Grand Lodges, Modern and Ancient were united. Over the period of a century, since the official formation of Freemasonry, it was felt that initiations were including or ‘retrograding’ more and more to include Christian references. Therefore under the guise of religious tolerance all such references were supposedly removed and the initiations reworded.

However there are several things that have been left.

Symbolic Dress in Masonry

The entered apprentice first enters wearing a blindfold. The blindfold is used in only one location in biblical text. It is used upon Jesus Christ after he had been captured by the Romans. It was placed upon him and he was then beaten (Luke 22:63/64/65 KJ/Douay). As a form of mockery he was then asked to prophesy who it was that was beating him, along with various blasphemies directed towards him and God. It was a biblical requirement that he remained silent, Isaiah 53:7.

Considering that this is the blindfolds only biblical usage it is particularly strange that it should be a dominant feature of the initiates dress. It is specifically and only associated with the torture of Jesus Christ together with blasphemy in biblical text.

The entered apprentice enters with a noose and a rope around his neck, hung over his back. This is usually referred to as a cable tow. This is specifically a Masonic word and description and will not be found in any typical dictionary. Biblically there are many references to hanging individuals. However there is only one generic term which describes hanging and its biblical significance. This is contained in Deuteronomy 21: 22 & 23. It explains that a man who is hung from a tree is cursed by God.

This has profound significance. In Douay Wisdom 2: 17-20 Jesus was to be tortured and suffer a most shameful death at the hands of the wicked - ‘Let us examine him by outrages and tortures, that we may know his meekness and try his patience. Let us condemn him to a most shameful death; for there shall be respect had unto him by his words.’

To be hung on a tree was the most shameful biblical death Jesus Christ could have been given. Hence in Acts 5:30, 10:39, 13:29 and Galatians 3:13 the death of Christ is described as being hung on a tree. The noose draws attention to the method of the death of Jesus Christ. The fact that a noose was not placed around his neck is not significant. He was not literally attached to a tree either. Jesus was suspended or hung from wood. The noose remains symbolic of hanging and is consistent with the description of being hung from a tree. (Gal 3:13 describes how Christ became a ‘curse’ for mankind, enduring a biblically cursed death).

The blindfold and the noose celebrate the above description of torment by the wicked. Purely a celebration of outrage, torture and a shameful death.

However, it should also be remembered that, to a Christian, such a death was glorious because of the outcome.

The Entered Apprentice first removes and submits one of his shoes. This is repeated in each Degree to Master Mason. If he had researched the first degree word Boaz (pillar in Solomons temple) he would have found that this appears in the book of Ruth 4 in association with Boaz, King Davids grandfather. The story explains that it was an accepted method of displaying the agreement of someone to give up their right over something. In some versions it is called the submission of a right of redemption or of purchase. In this regard, it should be remembered that Jesus Christ is described as the redeemer and as having purchased the souls of the world.

The Freemason may be asked what did you give to become a master mason? The standard reply is my shoe. It is likely that the removal of a shoe is supposed to represent much more than simply progressing through a dubious system of initiation.

The symbolism of a bared leg is interesting. The most obvious connection is in the description of the fall of Babylon in Isaiah 47 (Douay). It specifically mentions that the legs should be bare and it specifically names Babylon as a barren widow. Another biblical text describing baring of the legs in this fashion could not be found. In addition, the Freemasons freely describe themselves as ‘sons of the widow’which identifies themselves with both barrenness and widowhood. That is, the widow is not barren and through the initiations has a new son. This is also in accordance with the words of Babylon in Rev 18:7 ; ‘I am no widow’.

Genesis 3, which first introduces the devil, contains references to the breast, the heel and the arm or hand. These are the areas which are exposed by the initiate.

It is stated in Genesis 3:15 (K.J & Douay) that the heel comes under attack by the devil. The initiate wears slippers to facilitate this symbolic attack. The slippers are specifically the mule type. Mule slippers don’t have a back so that the bare heel of the foot is exposed. Alternatively the initiate is described as being slipshod. Slipshod literally means down at the heel. The effect of the mule slippers or of being slipshod is the same. The heel is deliberately exposed to the symbolic attack of the devil.

The initiate swears his oaths pointing a compass and holding it upon his breast. The breast is specifically mentioned in Genesis 3 (K.J. & Douay) in association with the devil which goes upon its breast. The heart is also associated with a demonic attack in the New Testament.

Adam is cast out of Eden before he reaches with his hand and ‘takes also of the tree of Life’. While Freemasonry does not offer eternal life the entered apprentice is seeking the ‘mysteries and privileges’ and the ‘Light’ of Freemasonry which are later elaborated upon and have significant spiritual undertones. It may be reflective of spiritual reaching.

This reaching theme is repeated in stone in Rosslyn Chapel, a site which is very significant to Scottish Freemasonry. The depiction below is entitled King of Terrors. The male figure reaches with his left hand towards what appears to be a child sitting upon an open book, presumably the bible. His left arm is elongated and distorted emphasizing the aspect of reaching.

Although the man appears to be fleeing ‘death’, the direction of the journey leads to spiritual death as shown above. The starving figure, on the right, holds its hands to its mouth as if eating. This is probably alluding to bread, as in the Lords prayer and daily bread, or rather the lack of it. On the other side, the side of ‘death’, there is a depiction of a healthy, plump child (a photo was not possible due to the cramped quarters).

Essentially it combines two of the defining characteristics of the devil, the accuser and the tempter. On the one hand it drives the man in a particular direction and on the other it provides the bait.

To reach spiritual health the character had to pass by or through the figure of death which is an obstruction to his journey.

When the New Testament refers to ‘contending for the faith’ and ‘fighting the good fight’ what is the biblical opponent if not the devil?

This explanation, for the symbolism of the bare arm, could be expanded in great detail. It is likely that it alludes to spiritual reaching together with something else, the deliberate and immoral imitation of the wrath of God. However this is beyond the scope of this article. Suffice to say that it amplifies one of the biblical roles of the devil or how the devil may be used/ allowed freedom by God. In each case, the role of the devil is superficially amplified and that of God deliberately obscured. Christ, in relation to this theme, has certainly been deliberately omitted from Masonic initiation. The theme of forgiveness of sin versus that of the accuser.

The above representation is located in the ‘Holy of Holies’ of the chapel. It represents a man traveling farther and farther away from God. A most unusual addition for a Christian building.

The Masonic apron is worn by the candidate after the first Degree. If a search of the K.J. and Douay bibles is conducted it will be found that the apron appears only twice. The latter reference concerns the apostles and healing and cannot be related to Freemasonry.

The first mention of an apron, as would be expected, is in Genesis 3:7. After the first biblical deception, Adam and Eve sewed together fig leaves to make aprons to hide their shame. Their shame was brought about and emphasized by the devil.

As a simple symbol which illustrates the success of a Satanic deception it is hard to imagine another which could be so illustrative.

The Freemasonic initiation considers the apron to be a symbolic badge denoting a spotless life. It waxes lyrically about standing before the Throne of Judgment, proudly wearing their apron.

Is it possible that it simply represents a badge of corruption and deception?

A Satanic emblem before God, look what I have done to this man and the faith he proclaimed?

Simply corruption. An elaborate repeat of the original deception

Passwords First & Second Degree of Masonry

The passwords Boaz and Jachin refer to two pillars in Solomons Temple. These were made of brass not stone.

Regarding the password, Tubal Cain. This is taken from Genesis 4:22. He was a descendent of Cain and a worker in brass.

The Freemasonic association with stonework, is intended to be deceptive. It should immediately cause one to take pause and consider that the Masonic Initiation is not what it appears to be.

Although a Hiram is mentioned in association with these pillars he was not the architect of the Temple as Freemasonic initiation claims Hiram Abif to have been. 1 Chronicles 28 (1 Paralipomenon 28) clearly states that it was King David who designed the Temple for it to be built by his son Solomon.

Boaz is further explained in the previous section in relation to the removal of a shoe. A symbolic submission of a right of redemption or of purchase.

It is significant that the password Tubal Cain is sourced from the chapter which describes the murder of Able by Cain. It serves to draw attention to the story that Cain killed his own brother. In accordance with the Freemasonic Hiram legend, he too was killed by his own Masonic ‘brothers’. Again this should cause one to pause and consider the goings on of the initiation.

The Freemason will often describe how they are ‘walking to the east’ in search of the masonic light, Fellow Craft ritual. Churches are usually constructed with the altar towards the east, towards God.

However, a Masonic temple is not a church. The password Tubal Cain specifically draws attention to the chapter of Genesis 4. Cain was banished to the east side of Eden after killing his brother, and the Mason describes himself in the same manner. Jude: 11 emphasises this, using the analogy that those who follow Cain represent evil. In addition, the initiate is instructed how to approach the east in a ‘most ancient fashion’. He is instructed in specific steps of a special nature in order to do this. He enacts these steps in each degree. This is further described later in association with steps of the wicked.

The password Shibboleth is usually described as an ear of corn near a fall of water.

However, in some versions of the initiation it is described as a flow of water. This latter description is complimentary to chapter Isaiah 47 which describes the baring of the legs and the passing over the rivers by Babylon.

Third Degree Word of Masonry

Third Degree word Machaben/ Machbinna there are numerous derivatives. Essentially it is a corruption of the name of the book Machabees (Douay) which is derived from the Hebrew and the letters M.C.B.E.I. Derivation of the Masonic word from these letters allows two or more to be invented which is precisely what has happened.

This is supported when it is considered that the bible does the same - Machabeus and Machabees are derived from these letters. It is also significant that the letters M.C.B.E.I. are themselves derived and refer to Exodus 15. 11


Freemasonry frequently employs the reverse of such a principle. TGAOTU being a typical example, the grand architect of the universe.

Freemasonry utilizes the biblical derivation of the letters directly in the Scottish Rite, attributing the letters the following meaning ‘Mi Camocha Baalim Jehovah’ or ‘Who is like unto thee among the gods, O Jehovah.’

Read this in conjunction with the words of Lucifer taken from Isaiah verse 14. This chapter being the one which especially overlaps with the Third Degree Initiation and the use of a grave etc...

‘I will be like the most High’

Compare this also with the words of the worshippers of the biblical beast in Revelations;

‘Who is like to the beast? And who shall be able to fight with him?’

It should be appreciated and emphasized that the biblical mechanism for the creation of the words is not the paramount issue. It is the Masonic initiations and legends which give the words the sinister meanings described. It is through its own mouth that the nature of Freemasonry is known or in other words ‘an enemy is known by his lips, when in his heart he entertains deceit’ Proverbs 26:24 (Douay).

It is precisely for this reason that there are clues contained in the initiations which can lead a person to discover the truth about Freemasonry. In its own way this exploits the biblical ignorance of the candidate even further.

In early Freemasonry the Third Degree password related to rotten flesh. This has rather sinister implications when it is considered that this overlaps with the only biblical reference to Lucifer and a rotten carcass (Isaiah 14). In modern Freemasonry the word relates to the death of a builder.

The initiate is the builder. That is the fundamental purpose of the title Master Mason.

Royal Arch Word and Password of Masonry

The Royal Arch Degree revolves around finding the ‘secret name of God’.

This secret name is a construct; ‘Jah-bul-on’.

‘Jah’ is mentioned in the King James Version of the bible and represents Yahweh or Jehovah; Psalm 68:4. This represents its only usage in the bible.

‘On’ is mentioned in the King James version Genesis 41: 45 & 50. Each reference concerns the daughter of an Egyptian priest. The Douay version uses the city Heliopolis instead of the word ‘On’. The primary deities of Heliopolis were Ra and Osiris. It is the Freemasonic lecture itself which develops the Egyptian connection further. It draws similarities between the Christian God and the Egyptian gods. It ignores the fact that the Israelites and the Egyptians were enemies and the Egyptian deities are defined as biblical devils.

‘Bul’ is only mentioned in one location in biblical text and represents the month in which the first temple was completed; Kings 6:38. The identification of ‘Bul’ with Baal comes from the Freemasonic lectures themselves. The mystical lecture claims it to be a compound word from different sources meaning Lord. This is elaborated upon and similarities are drawn between Bul, Bal, Bel (devils name),Baal (devils name) and Lord.

The Chapter (Hosea 2:1) from which the password - ‘Ammi Ruhamah’ is taken concerns the punishment of Israel for worshipping the deity, Baal, whose name is implied in the ‘secret’ name of the Freemasonic god. The chapter also explains that Israel would refer to God as ‘my husband’ specifically to avoid any associations with the word Baal.

Consequently, the secret name would appear to intentionally make a mockery of this specific biblical chapter which sources the password.

The password directs a person to find this.

Removal of Metal and Jewelry & other stuff

The entered apprentice submits all metal objects including money and jewelry. In the words of the junior deacon he is ‘deprived of everything valuable’.

This is deemed particularly important because it represents the only aspect with which non-compliance would necessitate a complete repetition of the initiation from its very beginning.

According to the First Degree initiation this is so that the initiate may demonstrate his charitable nature later in the ceremony. He is asked to contribute to charity but yet having nothing to give he cannot. Therefore he has to state that if he did have something to give he would have did so. He is assured that the intention is not to sport with the initiate.

Using search engines there are no appropriate hits regarding the words metal or valuable. In biblical text such things are described as precious. There are many hits regarding this word. However there is only one hit with which other comparisons with the initiations can be made. It follows the same general rule as other instances. More than one similarity to particular aspects of the three initiations are contained within a very small area of biblical text.

This area is Proverbs 1 verses 10 to 15. It describes the finding of all precious substance and the initiate submits all money and jewelry. It also describes restraining your feet from the path of the ‘wicked’. The entered apprentice is instructed to and takes three very specific and symbolic steps, of a special nature, in the First Degree, led with the left foot, each step being bigger than the last. This is extended in the Third Degree with the initiate walking over what would become his own grave. Yet in the Third Degree these steps are deliberately designed to be awkward to complete. The initiate must make a concerted effort and display clear intent in order to complete the steps. These steps are complimentary to the password Tubal Cain and ‘walking to the east’, following Cain and representing evil and the wicked. It also describes being swallowed alive and whole as one that goes into the pit, which is a chilling description which can be used to describe being lowered into the grave on top of a representation of bones in the Third Degree. It also describes combining of lots to have one purse and this is achieved through the Freemasonic subscriptions which have always been a requirement and the entering of the ‘brotherhood’. It also describes laying snares for the innocent without cause and it may be argued that the initiations are exactly this. Snares of faith to trap unawares, compliant and trusting initiates. Perhaps this last also accounts for the common Masonic practice of withholding invitations to enter Freemasonry. The initiate must enter the passive snare of his own free will. All of this in less than 100 consecutive biblical words.

It is illogical to conclude that such biblical overlaps with the initiations are merely in the eye of the beholder and the result of inventive spin doctoring. It is not a matter of jumping around biblical text piecing together individual sentences. The similarities, which require little stretch of the imagination, are contained within concise chapters and consecutive verses.

The Recurring Theme

A common theme of Christianity is that God allowed the devil freedom to orchestrate the torture and crucifixion of Christ. Persecuting a sinless man and consequently bringing about its own final condemnation and judgment in the fashion of an eye for an eye. As his due the devil lost authority and was unable to detain anyone else.

Freemasonry would also seem to adopt this position with one important exception There is no rejection of the devil despite subtle and direct references made to it in the initiations eg password ‘abaddon’ and name of the devil included in a later degree.

The blindfold and noose refer to the torture and crucifixion of Christ, along with the skull and crossbones described next.

The significance of bare legs of Babylon, son of the widow, removal of a shoe, being slipshod and spiritually reaching to another source can be understood.

Simply focussing upon and celebrating biblical elements associated with the devil or the work of the devil.

This is significantly illustrated further in the remaining sections.

Skull & Bones

According to popular books about Freemasonry the symbol originates from a Templar legend.

According to legend a Templar sweetheart died. He visited her grave and opened it to have sexual relations with her dead body. After the act he heard a voice that told him to return to the grave in nine months. He did this and found the demonic birth of a skull on top of two crossed bones.

A dead human skull is mentioned in only one location in biblical text. It belonged to the famous witch Jezebel, who was flung from a high window, trampled horses and eaten by dogs. All that was left was the skull, bits of the hands and feet. Consequently, the Knight Templar degree and the kissing of a skull may be considered suspect.

However there is a simpler explanation for the combined symbol of a skull and crossed bones. According to the Douay Version, the crucifixion took place upon Calvary. According to The King James Version the Hebrew for Calvary is Golgotha and is interpreted as the place of a skull. Obviously a cross is associated with the crucifixion. Hence, Golgotha represents the only biblical place where both symbols of a cross and a skull could be united.

Yet the form of the cross is not the usually accepted form associated with Christianity. However, the shape of the cross is in accordance with the saltire of Scotland or the St Andrews Cross. Scotland is considered to be the home and origin of much of the Masonic Ritual.

However, if this is accurate in what sense is the skull and crossed bones used?

The crucifix is used by the church to represent the death and, more importantly, the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the victory over evil through self sacrifice.

It would appear that the symbol of a skull and crossed bones simply represent death. Remember, Christian references were supposedly removed from the initiations.

The symbol has been used to represent death danger and evil for hundreds of years.

Therefore, is it purely a celebration of the crucifixion and suffering of Jesus Christ?

The noose and the blindfold fulfill the same purpose. They focus upon His suffering and the mechanism of death. Nothing else.

Isaiah 14

The next few paragraphs relate primarily to the third degree.

One particular reference in the speech after the raising from the grave is notable because of its biblically dualistic meaning. The bright and Morning Star.

One origin of this description is Revelations 22.16 which describes the second coming of Christ as the bright and morning star, or more precisely if the rest of the book is read, he is given the morning star.

The other morning star in Biblical text is generally regarded as the devil: Isaiah 14:12.

From the King James Bible the relevant bit reads ‘How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground which didst weaken the nations.’

The term Lucifer is a later development in Christian history which relates to the devil. Lucifer is the Latin term which refers to the star Venus which could be seen in the morning, hence morning star or day star. The description day star being used in the Challoner notes of the Douay version. Its association with the devil stems from the close biblical association with Babylon.

It should also be appreciated that Lucifer literally means ‘bringer of light’ or ‘bearer of light’ and that the initiate has previously and repeatedly been required to emphasize that the predominant wish of his heart is light as he progressed through the initiations. Indeed the ‘Masonic Light’ is central to the initiations.

Most importantly, the association between Lucifer and the devil was firmly established at the time of the creation of the Masonic initiations (1700’s). Consequently, it is entirely possible that the initiations were specifically created with these overlaps in mind.

In the initiation, attention is drawn to the specific biblical chapter of Isaiah 14 and the only mention of Lucifer, not least, because of the third degree penalty. The oath regarding the penalty begins with the initiate vowing that he would be ‘ severed in two, my bowels burned to ashes...’. Isaiah was killed by being sawn in two and the third degree punishment mimics this.

The relevant bit of the Freemasonic text refers to the morning star and its rising. Is it a reference to Jesus Christ or is it a reference to the devil? Remember that references to Christianity were specifically removed from the initiation.

Verse 19 ‘But though are cast out of thy grave, as an unprofitable branch, defiled, and wrapped up among them that were slain by the sword: and art gone down to the bottom of the pit as a rotten carcass.’

The devil re-emerges from the grave to be cast into a pit as a rotten carcass. Hiram Abiff re-emerges from a grave. The initiate re-emerges from a grave.

According to one of the earliest written versions of the Hiram legend, dated 1730, the third degree word Machaben means ‘the flesh leaves the bone, the body is rotten’. The devil is cast into the pit as a rotten carcass.

Consider the five signs of the third degree. The signs that are learned and practised after the ‘re-birth’ are revealing in themselves.

Verse 16 ‘They that shall see thee shall turn toward thee and behold thee.’

We have a sign of Horror looking towards the floor and ‘shielding the eyes from a horrible sight on the ground’. Sympathy and striking the forehead as if realising something. Penal which is ‘an allusion to the penalty of the secret obligation’. Grief and Distress which forms a square around the left eye as if looking at something. Joy and Exultation with both hands raised above the head.

How may these be interpreted? Seeing, turning towards and embracing something as per the above verse? Is the initiate inadvertently enacting the above verse?

This is further demonstrated, without any ambiguity, in a popular book called the Hiram Key. Page 14 of the book describes how the candidate is lowered into the grave. After he has been raised he is instructed to look towards a shimmering light in the east in the form of a star. This is described as the morning star. The candidate is instructed to turn towards and behold a star, the Latin name for which is Lucifer.

However, in the bible, the people that behold Lucifer do so in a derogatory sense. It is Luciferian logic and protest that such an aspect of ceremony should be reversed. Disdain for the devil being transformed to reflect adoration. The biblically defined barren widow declaring that ‘she is no widow’ and has many ‘sons of the widow’.

In verse 14 of the biblical chapter of Isaiah 14, Lucifer said ‘I will be like the most High’. It mentions a term for God; most High.

The initiate hears this term for the first time in English Freemasonry in the Third Degree Obligation before and after the symbolic death and rebirth ceremony. The term does not appear in the first or second degrees. Is it merely a coincidence that the terms most High and Morning Star have been used relatively close together in the Freemasonic ritual? Or is the intention to subtly imitate and point at this area of biblical text?

With so much of Masonic ritual and initiation there is deception and outright lies (false preoccupation with stone work being an obvious example). This should be expected from a system of initiation especially focussed towards the ‘Father of Lies’. Exploiting the biblical ignorance of the initiates to the full measure.

Immoral Baptism?

The prayer at the beginning of the Third Degree Initiation specifically asks for protection through the valley of the shadow of death and a final rising from the tomb of transgression.

The valley of the shadow of death is always associated with evil, danger and the works of the devil.

However such a prayer is normally reserved for a clear and present imminent threat. How could ‘school boyish’ theatrics such as these present such a threat?

If the ceremony is indeed a deliberate and immoral copy of a baptism then the presence of imminent spiritual danger is adequately explained. Hence the prayer would indeed have profound meaning.

The Christian baptism represents a death and burial with Christ such that the person may rise with him to a new life, dead to sin. Obviously, Christ was buried in a Tomb. However it was not a tomb of transgression, as indicated in the initiation, because a fundamental element of Christianity is that Christ was sinless.

Something which aims to imitate and corrupt a Christian Baptism may well employ a tomb of transgression.

Indeed something which aims to immorally imitate a Christian Baptism may well employ a grave instead of water.

Yet, the Christian does not return to that grave upon their death, as the Masonic lectures claim the initiate will.

As the speech continues ‘You stand on the very brink of the grave into which you have descended and which when this transitory life has passed away, will again receive you into its cold bosom.’.

Does this literally mean a grave and death? Or does this essentially refer to a spiritual death and hell?

An essential aspect of the Christian baptism is missing. Rejection of Satan. Rather the darkness, death and the ‘inevitable return to that grave’ is embraced.

Is it a form of mockery? Could this be why the initiate was prompted to walk over, in a very awkward fashion, what is intended to become his own symbolic ‘spiritual grave’ three times? Paying considerable attention to it but missing the overall meaning?

Three times, like Jesus prayed to have the cup removed from his lips. Three times like St Paul prayed to be released from a Satanic angel. Three degrees to become Master Mason and request hell?

The Lions Grasp

The candidate is raised from his symbolic grave using a special form of handshake known as the ‘lions grasp’.

Jesus Christ is described as the Lion of Judah in biblical text. However, Christian references were supposedly removed from the initiations.

The devil is also described as being like a ‘roaring lion’ in biblical text. It refers to the biblical accuser.

Is it simply possible that the lions grasp is intended to be complimentary to the other aspects of the Third Degree initiation which are also associated with Lucifer?

Being raised from the grave with the use of a grip named in accordance with a biblical description for the devil?

The picture below is taken from Rosslyn Chapel, a site with prominent links to Scottish Freemasonry. It shows a man, naked and humbled, tethered and enslaved to the devil (symbolic goat). It summarizes the accusatory mechanism of biblical evil.[image]

Square & Compass

This is the central and key symbol of Freemasonry. It is displayed upon every Lodge and is associated with everything Freemasonry represents. In order to establish a working and repeatable theory it must include this symbol.

It should be remembered that the symbols of the set square and compass supposedly refer to ‘stone work’. However the first three degree words and passwords point to metal work. Therefore, the traditional and superficial view of them may be considered as being a non sense. But what do they represent?

They have been attributed all sorts of meanings. Interpretations range from their being a representation of the male and female principle and phallic worship to symbols used to guide the morals of men.

In accordance with the initiation of the entered apprentice the Volume of Sacred Law (V.S.L), the applicable Bible, and the compass are used for the swearing of the oath of loyalty and secrecy to the Freemasonic order. One hand is placed upon the book while the other holds a single point of the compass to his bare left breast. The apprentice then kisses the bible.

It is important to realize that the only symbolic ‘tools’ which are used by the initiate in progressing from Entered Apprentice to Master Mason are the compass and the bible. He does not come into contact with a set square during these initiations. The set square is later used to describe morals and virtues in the Freemasonic lectures but it is not used in the initiations by the initiate.

This entire site has focussed upon the immoral imitation of biblical text and especially Catholic text. If this theory were correct then it would be expected that it would yield a result regarding this symbol.

Search engines of biblical text were used to isolate the word compass. The reader is encouraged to verify this. The majority of verses containing the word compass use it to denote surrounding. There are very few verses which contain the word compass and which easily allow its interpretation as being a tool. There are none which even come close to explaining the symbol of a square and compass. Except this one.

Reference, Proverbs Chapter 8:-

’27 When he prepared the heavens, I was present: when with a certain law and compass he enclosed the depths:

28 When he established the sky above and poised the fountains of waters:

29 When he compassed the sea with its bounds, and set a law to the waters that they should not pass their limits: when he balanced the foundations of the earth:’

The above refers to creation. However it should be noted that the depths and the sea are often used to symbolize hell in biblical text.

The Leviathan or the devil dwells in the sea, Apocalypse Chapter 13, the rise of the beast from the sea, the beasts of Daniel being raised from the sea, Rahab (Ps 89:10 K.J) name of a devil personifying water etc.

Hence the depths and the sea may represent hell and for the symbol of the square and compass this is exactly what they represent.

Indeed, the Masonic Cyclopedia describes the compass in a similar sense. A symbol which circumscribes the passions of ones heart. According to Initiation this is precisely why it is held over the breast. A symbolic restraint of evil.

There are no Christian or Judaic symbols associated with limiting Gods influence in any way. Yet the Freemasonic letter ‘G’ or the eye denoting the deity is contained within these symbols. A certain law and compass enclosing hell.

The set square is imitative. The set square is generally described in Masonic terms as a Law of the ‘Divine Architect’.

It should more accurately be regarded as the open Volume of Scared Law, the applicable Bible, which is presented to the entered apprentice at the beginning of the initiation. Refer to the above picture and the uneven ends of the set square; an open book. This picture is not unique. Many representations of the square show irregular ends. Yet this is done for no useful reason and for superficial decoration only.

In representing an open Bible (as actually used in the initiations) it represents a Law. In terms of Judaism, Christianity and Freemasonry the Word of God is the Law. Especially the Old Testament. That is why it is called the Volume of Sacred Law among Freemasons.

This then places it firmly in association with the above biblical text that refers to a compass and a certain law.

The letter G or the ‘eye’ is often centered in the middle of this combined symbol, representing the Freemasonic deity.

The letter ‘G’ would superficially appear to represent the word ‘God’. However a common technique in Masonry is to use the abbreviation G-d when writing. Is this a childish attempt at secrecy? Or is this a mechanism for identifying something which deliberately and immorally imitates God? This whole article has focussed upon this theme of imitation together with another important issue. An enemy being known by their lips when they entertain deceit in their heart. The Masonic abbreviation satisfies both.

The ‘eye’ is also appropriate because there is a biblical precedent which associates it with Babylon and hell. This association is indirectly referred to in the Royal Arch Degree. Link.

In accordance with the above biblical text it is hell which is bound or restricted. Obviously the deity would then be the devil or Babylon, to which the title Lucifer refers along with the mission statement ‘ I will be like the most High’.


Another common Freemasonic symbol is a five pointed star. The five pointed star or pentagram has been associated with the occult for centuries.

Again it should be remembered that Christian references were supposedly removed from the Initiations. Consequently it is possible that the use of a star could relate to:-

Venus, Latin name Lucifer, star of the morning or day star. Literally meaning ‘bearer of light’ and the initiate emphasizes his desire for light throughout the initiations. Isaiah 14, origin of the fallen star analogy.

It could also stem from the following biblical passages:

Amos 5:26 But you carried a tabernacle for your Moloch, and the image of your idols, the star of your god, which you made to yourselves.

Acts 7:43 And you took unto you the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of your god Rempham, figures which you made, to adore them.’

Neither of the last descriptions specifically state that the star was five pointed. However, witchcraft today still employs rituals which involve lying upon a white sheet sprinkled with salt. The head points due south and the arms and legs are spread according to a pentagram such that the position of the body specifically resembles the five pointed star. Making a star unto yourselves.

Other Stuff


The nature of the Masonic Penalties may be summarised by the ‘more effective’ punishment for the Entered Apprentice. To be branded an individual void of moral worth. In effect, employing the mechanism and derivation of the Greek word for a devil, diaballein - a slanderer and accuser.

In the first degree the worshipful master advises the initiate that he had avoided two great dangers. The first being that he managed to avoid rushing forward and killing himself upon the point of the compass. The second that he managed to resist the urge to retreat and therefore strangle himself with the noose. In each case he would have been an accessory to his own death. Yet in the third degree this is precisely what is required of the initiate who allows himself to be symbolically killed and lowered into a grave. The irony is thick.

Consider the legend of Hiram Abiff. First and foremost he was killed by his own ‘brothers’. In this regard the ceremony could not have taken place without the assistance of the initiates ‘brothers’. Is the intention of the initiation to have the Masonic brothers quite happily ‘killing’ each other in a spiritual sense in a complete, blind and religiously ignorant stupor? How many have even considered the spiritual significance of their actions?

These men who are required to have a belief in God prior to being accepted into the organisation.

The death wound of Hiram Abiff, a blow to the head, is consistent with that of the biblical beast in Revelations. The initiate plays the part of Hiram and enacts this death ‘suffering’ such blows. Yet if Hiram Abiff is an allegorical figure which represents Lucifer himself, the brightest star in the annuls of Freemasonry, this enactment becomes even more sinister.

The idea of the legendary Hiram being eventually buried as close to the holy of holies in the Temple, the first House of God, becomes predictable if he does represent Lucifer. Such a location in legend can be anticipated when it is considered that Lucifer is clamorous and would be ‘like’ the most High, or as the N.T describes, impersonate an angel of light 2Corinthians 11:14. Consequently, the creators of the legend would have him buried as close to the most holy place as possible. The only reason Hiram is not buried within the chamber is that it would be considered an obvious blasphemy by any initiate with a shred of religious knowledge. Hence it would be too obvious and too revealing.

In the first degree the initiate was urged to read the Bible. In the second degree deliberate biblical errors are included in the ritual. The initiate states how he has been taught to be cautious. Yet he places blind trust in his new brethren and who are likely to be strangers.

In the Third Degree the emphasis is placed upon intellectual truth and death has no terrors equal to the stain of false hood and dishonor. The process of the initiations is an exercise in false hood, dishonor and mockery.

That is the sad, yet simple, point.

Knight Templar

This degree is supposedly for Christians. The description of the initiation is not taken from the source used previously. It is based upon the description provided by the popular author Martin Short.

The words include:-

Maher-shalal-hash-baz - Pass word for the Knight Templars. Isaiah 8.1. This does not appear in the Douay Version. It refers to the name of a new born boy. In this instance it would appear that the King James Version has been used.

Jesus Emmanuel - Grand word for Knight Templar. Emmanuel appears in the same chapter and the preceding chapter as the above. The Douay notes at the beginning of the book translate Isaiah to mean Jesus is the Lord. Therefore the two names appear to have been united.

The novice takes part in a stroll around the hall, seven times, which represents a seven year crusade while wearing the costume of a Knight Templar. He is then given a skull and he walks around the hall once more to undergo a years penance.

He swears an oath to protect and maintain the holy Christian faith, under a penalty of loss of life, head chopped off and his skull to be sawn apart such that his brains are exposed to the scorching rays of the sun. He finishes this part by praying to Christ.

He then swears an oath requesting that the spirit which inhabited the skull should testify against him if he should ever willfully violate his obligation as a knight. He then seals this oath by kissing the skull seven times.

In the Bible, the devil is the accuser of men. The Hebrew ‘Satan’ denotes an adversary and accuser. The initiate is specifically asking for something which is anti-Christian and which satisfies many biblical descriptions of the devil as the accuser of men. It negates and rejects the whole point of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ which is a means of redemption.

The only biblical mention of a dead human skull belonged to the famous witch Jezebel. She was flung from a high window, trampled by horses and eaten by dogs and all that was left of her was the skull, parts of the hands and feet.

The other significant mention of a skull is Golgotha, translated as the place of the skull, where Jesus Christ was crucified.

An idol is an image or object worshipped as a god. Look at any dictionary description of worship regarding the initiates actions and see if it applies. An idol is something which is perceived to contain ‘something’. The initiate requests the spirit which inhabited the skull to testify against him.

He swears an oath on his own head and employing the name of Christ, something that the New Testament specifically instructs a person not to do.

Put bluntly, the initiate runs around apparently committing idolatry with a symbol which is especially associated with the most famous biblical witch and is also associated with the location and the torture of Jesus Christ, completely ignoring the meaning of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and yet he believes he is sworn to protect Christianity?

The use of a skull is obviously reminiscent of the punishment of having the top of the skull lopped off and the third degree ‘baptism’ upon the skull and crossbones. Yet, more importantly, it is a universal symbol of death, danger and evil and the initiate kisses it seven times.

Within Rosslyn is a depiction of a young man with the top of the skull lopped off. It is located at the usual position of the altar. Rosslyn is still stated to be used today by the Order of the Templars.

This initiation reminded me of at least one ritual in witch craft. The initiate lies naked on a white sheet sprinkled with salt. He/she lies with their head pointing due south and their arms and legs positioned according to a pentagram. The first sentence asks that the god judge them there and then. Such a request rejects the whole meaning of Christianity and forgiveness of sin.

The words of such a ceremony end with ‘So Mote It Be’. All the Freemasonic prayers use this ending as opposed to ‘amen’. So mote it be may be considered as being imitative of amen. However this association with witchcraft is hardly surprising since the skull, which is kissed by the candidate, is also associated with the most famous biblical witch.

For the creators of such initiations it must seem incredibly delicious. An initiation deeper into an anti-Christian, anti-Judaic organisation under the pretence of upholding Christian principles. The initiates lack of religious knowledge being exploited such that they willingly perform acts which are in opposition to their faith.

This is what could be referred to as the ‘purity of the Luciferian doctrine’.


Consider the size of the bible. The King James Version has 66 chapters. Thousands and thousands of words. Imagine the odds against performing a search of all this for specific terms and getting one or two hits.

Then imagine doing this again and again and again.

What are the realistic chances that the following most characteristic elements of Masonic initiation can be demonstrated to have direct links with biblical evil?

The blindfold, mentioned in only one location in biblical text and associated with torture and blasphemy.

Being slipshod and exposing the heel, special body part that the devil attacks (the heart also being another and also included in ritual).

Cabletow and obvious similarities with the most shameful death the bible had to offer, to be hung on a tree.

Exposing the legs, in accordance with the only biblical text which instructs Babylon to do the same?

Wearing an apron, mentioned only twice in biblical text and symbolic of the success of the original satanic deception.

Removal of a shoe as a submission of a right of redemption, mentioned in only one location of biblical text.

Describing themselves as widow sons which reinforce the words of Babylon ‘I sit a queen and am no widow’.

That the Initiations could have any similarities to the three most popular biblical chapters which describe biblical evil; Genesis 3, Isaiah 14 & Revelation 13?

Being symbolically killed with a blow to the forehead in imitation of the biblical beast which lived Revelations 13?

Learning handshakes of special character and emulating Revelations 13?

Learning the secret name of a deity in the Royal Arch, in emulation of Revelations 13?

The construction of such a name being forbidden by the Chapter which sources the password for the Royal Arch.

Being recognised by one specific number emulating Revelations 13?

Express a repeated desire for ‘light’ in accordance with the meaning of Lucifer as ‘light bearer’.

Beholding a morning star in accordance with the derivation of the title Lucifer as day star or morning star?

Making use of a grave in accordance with the only biblical chapter which mentions Lucifer.

Enacting ‘secret’ signs of recognition and celebration in accordance with the only chapter which mentions beholding Lucifer.

Then there is the square and compass

Meeting beneath a symbol which represents the biblical restriction of evil with a symbolic compass and law. Yet the Freemasonic representation of the deity is contained within the symbol.

Then there are the passwords.

Boaz, pillar in Solomons Temple made of Brass

Jachin, pillar in Solomons Temple made of Brass

Tubal Cain first biblical metal worker

Third Degree Word Machaben or one of it derivatives, which in combination with the other elements of the Third Degree sourced from Isaiah 14 and Masonic legend, point convincingly to the words of Lucifer, ‘I will be like the most High’.

But perhaps the most significant point of all is the Third Degree Word which in modern Freemasonry means ‘death of a builder’. The initiate is the builder, that is the fundamental purpose of the title Master Mason.

The foregoing is not a fantastic creation without basis in evidence. The similarities mentioned above are obvious and require little stretch of the imagination. There are just so many and some are not even listed here.

It is hoped they are sufficient to cause the curious observer to seriously investigate the comments validity, if it is felt necessary, and then shun Freemasonry.

Good v Evil

What this Means for the Member and the Curious

Differentiating good and evil is an important theme in the New Testament made all the more difficult due to the imitative nature of biblical evil.

For the curious observer considering Freemasonry it is hoped that the contents of this site raise some important issues for consideration.

For those who wish to enter Freemasonry and have not yet done so, what will you do when you are invited to swear an oath, apparently before God, as to having heard no detrimental reports concerning Freemasonry?

Considering the volume of material on the subject it is astounding that anyone could honestly swear such an oath, despite the fact that such oath swearing is in opposotion to Christianity in the first place. Indeed, in this same category, the provocative nature of Freemasonry itself has made such an honest and affirmative answer to the oath difficult. Similarly, when one is invited to swear that they seek no worldly gain yet enter Freemasonry in the mistaken belief it would improve their career prospects.

In this regard the principle of the scroll as used in the Royal Arch Degree addresses this issue and concerns those who falsely and knowingly swear before God.

For the member of Freemasonry you have been deceived and manipulated with the presentation of a so called ‘mystery’. The initiate is at an immediate disadvantage in distinguishing good and evil because ignorance of the initiations is a requirement for entry.

Imagine the dilemma for those who have faith and researched Freemasonry. Learning the nature of Freemasonry but at the same time being bound by the oaths they took, apparently before God, to keep it a secret. A snare for the innocent without cause.

Yet does membership of some organisation define a person as evil? Hardly.

The undernoted extract is taken from a discourse by St Clemment concerning the Arian heresy and was written in the 4th century. It was found after the text for this site was completed and has now been included here because of obvious similarities in theme together with a concise explanation of the motivation for creating this web site.

‘Of all other heresies which have departed from the truth it is acknowledged that they have but devised a madness, and their irreligiousness has long since become notorious to all men. For that their authors went out from us, it plainly follows, as the blessed John has written, that they never thought nor now think with us. Wherefore, as saith the Saviour, in that they gather not with us, they scatter with the devil, and keep an eye on those who slumber, that, by this second sowing of their own mortal poison, they may have companions in death. But, whereas one heresy, and that the last, which has now risen as a harbinger of Antichrist, the Arian, as it is called, considering that other heresies, her elder sisters, have been openly proscribed, in her craft and cunning, affects to array herself in Scripture language, like her father the devil, and is forcing her way back into the Churches paradise - that with the pretence of Christianity, her smooth sophistry (for reason she has none) may deceive men into wrong thoughts of Christ - nay, since she has already seduced certain of the foolish, not only to corrupt their ears, but even to take and eat with Eve, till in their ignorance which ensues they think bitter sweet, and admire this loathsome heresy, on this account I have thought it necessary, at your request, to unrip ‘the folds of its breast plate’, and shew the ill savour of its folly. So while those who are from it may continue to shun it, those whom it has deceived may repent; and , opening the eyes of their heart, may understand that darkness is not light, nor falsehood truth, nor Arianism good; nay, that those who call these men Christians are in great and grievous error, as neither having studied scripture, nor understanding Christianity at all, and the faith which it contains.’


Initiation to Master Mason.

The initiate is required to identify himself by describing the previous degree and how he was initiated. He describes that in the second degree he was dressed as per the first degree except he was not hood winked or deprived of metal objects.

He is asked a number of questions and he describes how the masons building the temple received their wages without scruple because they deserved them and without shyness because they relied on the integrity of their employers.

He repeats the incorrect quotation from the previous degree concerning ‘god’ and the high priest.

He promises to complete the initiation ahead of him and vows himself to secrecy.

He is shown the pass grip, applying pressure of the thumb between the second and third knuckle joints of the others hand. The pass word is Tubal Cain who is reported to be the first worker of metals and the significance of the word is worldly possessions.

The initiate leaves and gets undressed for the third degree. Both arms, both breasts and both knees are made bare, both of the heels are slipshod. He puts on his apron.

He returns giving the password and grip to undergo the initiation. All of the lights are extinguished in the room. The inner guard places the points of a pair of compasses to the initiates breasts as he enters. The initiate displays the first and the second degree signs.

The worshipful master begins a prayer asking that the initiate be given strength to proceed with the ceremony that he may be under protection through the valley of the shadow of death and that he may finally rise from the tomb of transgression.

The initiate is required to repeat the first and second degree signs, grips and tokens. He then gives the pass grip and pass word for the third degree. He is instructed to advance to the east by seven steps, the first three of which as if stepping over a grave.

Prior to the initiates entrance a sheet has been placed in the center line of the lodge around five feet west of the worshipful masters pedestal. Upon this sheet is a depiction of an open grave that is surrounded by skulls and crossbones. Some lodges may use a trap door beneath which is a ‘grave’ and sometimes real or artificial symbols of death are used and which may include a whole female skeleton. Freemasonry describes them as symbols of mortality.

The initiate proceeds in taking the steps, the first three walk over the depiction of the grave on the floor in a diagonal fashion. The remaining steps bring the initiate before the worshipful master. The steps are specifically intended to be awkward to complete.

He is advised that a most serious trial of his fortitude and fidelity await him and the initiate agrees to proceed.

The initiate kneels and places both hands upon the bible. He reiterates his act is one of free will and he swears himself to secrecy and loyalty to the lodge. He promises to defend and keep the secrets of his brothers in his heart with the exception of murder treason and felony and all other offenses contrary to the Law of god. He finishes this section with the words so help me Most High and keep me steadfast in this my solemn obligation of a master mason.

He is instructed to kiss the bible three times. He swears himself to secrecy under penalty of being severed in two and having his bowels cut out and burned, alternatively the whole body may be burned, and the ashes scattered by the four winds of heaven that no trace of such a vile wretch may be found among men.

The worshipful master begins a lengthy section in which he describes the following. That having taken the obligation of a master mason the initiate can now demand the final and greatest trial. That the initiate upon entering learned about charity, mutual aid, humility and resignation to the will of the Great Architect of the Universe. That his heart is purified ready to receive truth and wisdom.

In the second degree he was led to contemplate intellectual faculty, tracing it from its development to the throne of god himself. The secrets of nature and the principles of intellectual truth were unveiled. Nature prepares the initiate even more by contemplating death.

In the third degree the initiate is invited to reflect that death has no terror equal to the stain of falsehood and dishonor.

As an example of this, the worshipful master then begins to relate the legend of Hiram Abiff. Fifteen second degree masons realized that they did not have possession of the secrets of the master masons degree. They conspired to obtain such secrets from Hiram Abiff. Twelve of the fifteen recanted. The other three lay in wait for Hiram Abiff at the east, north and south entrances to the Temple. Hiram Abiff had gone there to pay his adoration to the Most High. He did this at noon. Having finished he was confronted by the first ruffian who demanded the secrets of a master mason. Hiram Abiff refused and so the ruffian struck Hiram Abiff on the forehead/right temple. Recovering he went to the north entrance where he was met by the next ruffian who struck him on the forehead/left temple. Staggering to the east entrance he met the third ruffian who struck and killed him with a blow to the forehead.

As this story is told the initiate is symbolically struck and at the point when Hiram Abiff dies he is lowered into the open grave. This is accompanied by a clock or gong striking twelve, or perhaps the death march being played by the organist and perhaps the recital of Ecclesiasticus XII

The worshipful master explains that the initiate represents Hiram Abiff one of the brightest characters in the annuls of Freemasonry.

The junior warden then attempts to raise the initiate from the grave using the first degree grip and this fails. The Senior Warden attempts to raise him using the second degree grip and this fails. The worshipful master then raises him using the third degree grip and raises the initiate by placing his right foot to right foot, right knee to right knee, right breast to right breast and left hand over the initiates back this is known as the five points of fellowship.

The next section is particularly important as the worshipful master explains the process now that the act is complete. The worshipful master goes on. Let me now beg you to observe that the light of a master mason is darkness visible, serving only to express that gloom which rests on the prospect of futurity. It is that mysterious veil which the eye of human reason cannot penetrate unless assisted by the light which is from above. Yet, even by this glimmering ray, you may perceive that you stand on the very brink of the grave into which when this transitory life shall have passed away, will again receive you into its cold bosom. Let the emblems of mortality which lie before you lead you to contemplate on your inevitable destiny, and guide your reflections to that most interesting of all human studies, the knowledge of yourself. Be careful to perform your allotted task while it is still day; continue to listen to the voice of Nature, which bears witness, that even in this perishable frame resides a vital and immortal principle, which inspires a holy confidence that the Lord of Life will enable us to trample the King of Terror beneath our feet, and lift our eyes to that bright Morning Star, whose rising brings peace and salvation to the faithful and obedient of the human race.

The worshipful master then proceeds to relate the secrets of the third degree. The first is called the sign of Horror and consists of having the left hand down with palm outwards as if shielding the eyes from some object on the ground the right hand is raised over the eyes as if shielding the eyes from something horrible on the floor with the head turned over the right shoulder as if struck with horror at some dreadful and afflicting sight. The second sign is the sign of Sympathy which involves tilting the head forward and gently striking the forehead with the right hand. The Penal sign is given by drawing the right thumb across the navel this imitates the punishment of having the bowels burnt and then wafted by the four winds of heaven.

The grip is only given in the five points of fellowship. The fingertips dig into the others wrist, hence it is known as the lions grasp.

The word is Machaben or Machbinna although there are many different pronunciations.

The initiate is allowed to leave and dress himself.

He returns and the worshipful master further explains the legend of Hiram Abiff.

Essentially the twelve crafts men who recanted confessed to Solomon the conspiracy. Solomon selected fifteen trusty craftsmen and launched a search for Hiram Abiff. One group of men were resting and happened to pull out a shrub from the ground. Noticing the ground had recently been disturbed they investigated and found the body of Hiram Abiff. The men then informed Solomon who ordered them to put the body in a proper grave. When they returned and uncovered the body they were so struck with horror at the sight and of the wound to the forehead they struck their own foreheads in sympathy. Two of the brothers then descended into the grave and tried to raise the body using the first degree grip and failed. They then tried the second degree grip and failed. Next a zealous and expert brother took a firm grasp of the sinews of the hand and with the others assistance raised the body. The others exclaimed Machaben or Machbinna, both words having similar import, the death of a builder.

Hence Solomon decreed that those signs and the word should designate all master masons until time or circumstances should restore the genuine. The three killers were found and confessed their crime. The body was buried as near the holy of holies as would be allowed.

The initiate is then told of a further two signs. In addition to the signs of Horror, Sympathy and the Penal sign are the signs of Grief and distress and the sign of joy and Exultation. The sign of grief and distress involves passing the right hand over the forehead and extending the thumb in a square over the left eye, this mimicking Hiram Abiff wiping sweat from his forehead during the attack. It is explained to the initiate that in Scotland, Ireland and some states of America the sign is given in a slightly different manner along with the exclamation: ‘O Lord my God, O Lord my God, O Lord my God, is there no help for the widows son?’

The sign of Joy and exultation stems from the completion of the Temple, which being so struck by its magnificence in one spontaneous motion every one cried oh wonderful masons. The sign involves raising both hands above the head, palms facing each other.

Finally the worshipful master associates tools with various virtues.

Initiation into the Fellow Craft.

The candidate is asked a series of questions, the answers to which he may have been required to memorize between initiations a minimum period of around 4 weeks having elapsed.

He declares that his primary motivation for being a member comes from the heart, the initial ceremony taking place in a room adjoining the lodge and being completed at noon, when the sun is in its meridian. The fact that these ceremonies take place at nighttime doesn’t matter because the sun is always at its meridian over the lodge. This last is taken from the actual script.

He promises in advance to proceed with the current initiation and vows himself to secrecy.

He is shown the ‘pass’ grip which applies pressure to the others hand with the thumb between the first and second knuckles. The password associated with this grip is Shibboleth. It is explained that shibboleth denotes plenty and is symbolized by an ear of corn beside a fall of water.

The worshipful master leads the initiate in reiterating his vow of secrecy punishable by having his left breast ripped open and the heart fed to the devouring birds of the air or ravenous beasts of the field as prey. He kisses the Bible twice.

The initiate is then instructed in the secrets of the degree which are a sign a token and a word. The sign is performed by placing the right hand on the left breast and extending the thumb to form a square thereby protecting the heart, the repository of his secrets, from the insidious. This sign is called the Fidelity sign. The next part is called the Hailing or sign of Preservance and is essentially similar to the traditional ‘how’ of the Red Indian with the thumb extended to form a square. The Penal sign reflects the punishment and involves drawing the right hand across the left breast. The grip or handshake is given and involves applying pressure to the second knuckle with the thumb. The word is Jachin

The Worshipful master explains that Jachin is derived from the pillar in the biblical story of Solomon. He explains that it represents establishment and that there was an Assistant High priest called Jachin who officiated at its dedication and that ‘god’ said ‘ In strength I will establish this mine house forever’.

The initiate repeats the word, signs and grip etc repeatedly stating that he was taught to be cautious in this degree as well as the former before carrying out these actions or repeating the above statements.

The Worshipful master then goes on to associate tools with the virtues expected from a fine Freemason.

After this the initiate leaves to dress himself. The initiate returns wearing his apron.

The worshipful master then proceeds to explain the second degree tracing board.

He discusses the pillars Jachin and Boaz and elaborates on the story of the building of the Temple. He mentions two balls which were set up as a memorial to the children of Israel and the story of Exodus and the pillar of fire and cloud. He states how the Israelites were fleeing their Egyptian bondage and that the cloud proved darkness to the pharaoh when the Egyptians attempted to overtake them.

He claims that during the building of the Temple an immense number of masons were employed.

He goes on to explain the origins of the word Shibboleth by recounting a lengthy description concerning a period of warfare which is generally in accordance with Judges 12.6 and it explains that it means an ear of corn. Why it is associated with a fall of water is not explained. The remainder associates Solomon himself as being a master mason and describes the payment of the masons during construction.

These are the essentials of the second degree.

The Initiation of the Entered Apprentice.

The candidate is prepared for the initiation ceremony in the following manner. This may vary between lodges but generally the essentials remain the same. His coat etc is removed and he must submit all metal objects. His shirt is un buttoned exposing the left breast, the right arm exposed and the left leg up to the knee is similarly exposed. Some Lodges may require the initiate to wear a white suit which may resemble a karate outfit which facilitates the bearing of the body parts.

The right foot is shod with a slipper, a noose is placed around his neck with the end hanging down over his back and he is blindfolded or hood winked.

There is an initial ‘greeting’ ceremony between the inner guard, worshipful master and the tyler to allow the initiate to enter the hall.

The candidate then confirms that he seeks admission by his own free will and that he is over 21 years of age (18 for family members).

The worshipful master then gives the initial presentation which contains numerous references to ‘god’ or as the deity is described, the almighty father, governor of the universe etc and confirms the initiate’s faith.

The initiate is presented as being of good report, but in a state of darkness and wishes to obtain the privileges of Freemasonry without having an ulterior worldly motive for self-gain. He then promises to complete the initiation avoiding fear and rashness.

The initiate is then required to take three steps towards the worshipful master in a particular fashion, led with the left foot each step being bigger than the last. He promises to keep the secrets of Freemasonry then kneels and places the point of the compass to his bare left breast.

On the Bible, Volume of Sacred Law the initiate then swears secrecy under the punishment of having his throat cut, tongue ripped out by the root and buried in the sand where the tide flows twice in 24 hours or alternatively being branded an individual of no moral worth. He then kisses the bible.

He goes on to declare that the predominant wish of his heart is to seek ‘Light’. At this the worshipful master removes the blindfold and simultaneously the attending brothers clap.

The worshipful master associates the compass, square etc with moral attributes and advises the initiate that he has avoided two great dangers already. The first being that he managed to avoid rushing forward and killing himself upon the point of the compass. The second that he managed to resist the urge to retreat and therefore strangle himself with the noose. In each case he would have been an accessory to his own death.

The initiate is then instructed in the secrets of the first degree, ie the word the sign and the grip. The word is BOAZ, the sign imitates the punishment. The right hand thumb is placed to the left of the windpipe and drawn across in a cutting motion. The grip is a handshake with the thumb being placed upon the upper joint of the other persons first finger and a distinct pressure applied.

The remainder of the dialogue repeats the fore going, emphasizes the honorable intentions of a Freemason, eg the importance of charity, with the initiate being ‘tested’ to ensure he is a charitable man. He is given a copy of the book of constitution and a copy of the bylaws. The initiate then leaves and is allowed to re-dress himself.

He then re-enters and is given a ‘charge’ after the initiation.

This charge emphasizes the need to read the bible. It emphasizes the practices of prudence, temperance, fortitude and justice. It closes with a statement referring to Truth, Honor and Virtue.

Following this charge is an explanation of the first degree tracing board.

It begins by drawing parallels between Freemasonry and the Egyptian religions. It explains that the lodges stand on holy ground because of the biblical offerings of Abraham, King David and King Solomon. It explains that the lodges are situated due east and west because the sun rises in the east and sets in the west and learning originated in the east and spread west.

It explains that the Freemasonic intention is to progressively rise to the heavens with the aid of Jacobs ladder, which essentially represents faith hope and charity among other noble virtues.

It romantically explains the interior of a Freemasonic lodge and then goes on to explain that through Freemasonry and upon entering a man may be considered as being like a rough stone which once properly worked emerges as a modeled stone ready for its intended purpose, a perfect ashlar stone.

These are the essentials of the initiation of the entered apprentice.

Initiation into the Royal Arch.

This initiation ceremony is very lengthy and it would be impractical to properly describe it fully.

Therefore pertinent points will be mentioned and discussed.

Firstly it is important to remember the incorrect quotation that is associated with the word Shibboleth; ‘In strength I will establish this Mine house to stand firm forever’

This quotation is incorrect and the closest biblical approximation is 1 Kings 9:3 (taken from K.J)

‘And the LORD said unto him, I have heard thy prayer and thy supplication, that thou hast made before me: I have hallowed this house, which thou hast built, to put my name there for ever; and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually.’

This passage is particularly important to the Royal Arch degree because the whole initiation revolves around finding the ‘secret name’ of God. The above passage states that His name will be in the temple forever.

The pomp and ceremony of the previous degrees is maintained. However the number of biblical texts and readings which are employed increases significantly. These include readings from Isaiah 12 (praise for God), Proverbs 2 1-9(seek the benefits of Wisdom), Proverbs 3 13-20(seek the benefits of Wisdom), Haggai 2 1-9 (rebuilding the temple), Genesis 1 1-3 (creation, let there be light).

The candidate swears himself to secrecy under penalty of being beheaded. He kisses the bible four times. He repeats that the predominant wish of his heart is to receive Light. Light being elaborated upon and described as the ‘light of our mysteries’ and has obvious spiritual overtones.

During the ceremony there are four principle characters. These are the initiate, Zerubbabel, Haggai and Joshua.

He is told the pass words which are Ammi Ruhamah.

These words appear in the King James Version Hosea 2:1

‘Say ye unto your brethren, Ammi; and to your sisters, Ruhamah.’

The meaning of the words is given in the Douay Version of Osee (same chapter just different name) 2:1.

‘Say ye to your brethren: You are my people: and to your sisters: Thou hast obtained mercy.’

According to the initiation they mean ‘My people have found mercy’. The chapter from which it is taken concerns the punishment of Israel for worshipping Baal.

The initiation then goes on with pomp and ceremony and emphasis is placed upon the initiate receiving the ‘secret’ name of god.

In order to receive this secret name the initiate must go down upon all fours and grope around in darkness to lay his hands upon the sacred scroll which apparently contains the name. This imitates one element of the Egyptian darkness to which other sources point such as ‘shibboleth’ and ‘darkness visible’. Deuteronomy 28 describes how the Egyptians groped around like a blind man at mid-day. It should be remembered that as far as a Masonic lodge is concerned it is always mid day for the ‘sun is always at its meridian over the lodge’.

However the scroll does not contain the name, rather the scroll is the ‘scroll of Moses’.

Indeed the finding of the scroll appears to serve no purpose what so ever in the initiation other than draw attention to the fact that a scroll is included in the ritual and that it directs a persons attention to biblical text, specifically Genesis 1: 1-3, let there be light. This is read after the initiate has repeated that the predominant wish of his heart is light.

There is a theatrical search of the ruins of the first temple where a secret chamber is discovered and contained within this chamber is a plate of gold upon which is written the secret name.

This secret name is Jah-bul-on and this is given in association with the usual name of God, Jehovah.

‘Jah’ is mentioned in the King James Version of the bible and represents Yahweh or Jehovah; Psalm 68:4. This represents its only usage in the bible.

‘On’ is mentioned in the King James version Genesis 41: 45 & 50. Each reference concerns the daughter of an Egyptian priest. The Douay version uses the city Heliopolis instead of the word ‘On’. The primary deities of Heliopolis were Ra and Osiris. It is the Freemasonic lecture itself which develops the Egyptian connection further. It draws similarities between the Christian God and the Egyptian gods. It ignores the fact that the Israelites and the Egyptians were enemies and the Egyptian deities are defined as biblical devils.

‘Bul’ is only mentioned in one location in biblical text and represents the month in which the first temple was completed; Kings 6:38. The identification of ‘Bul’ with Baal comes from the Freemasonic lectures themselves. The mystical lecture claims it to be a compound word from different sources meaning Lord. This is elaborated upon and similarities are drawn between Bul, Bal, Bel (devils name),Baal (devils name) and Lord.

The Chapter from which the password Ammi Ruhamah is taken concerns the punishment of Israel for worshipping the deity, Baal, whose name is implied in the ‘secret’ name of the Freemasonic god. The chapter also explains that Israel would refer to God as ‘my husband’ specifically to avoid any associations with the word Baal. Therefore, the secret name would appear to intentionally make a mockery of this specific biblical chapter. The password subtly directs a person to find this.

Remember the mission statement. ‘I will be like the most High’. The secret name Jah-Bul-On doesn’t represent a likeness. It essentially attempts to unite the Judaic and Christian God and the devil or devils under various names. It may obviously and blatantly be considered blasphemous and a personal religious belief is not required to appreciate this.

The name would be better read as Jah Ra Osiris Babylon Baal Beelzebub Pan Lucifer Astarte Moloch ….Yet this would be too obvious.

The ritual requires ‘officials’.

In this regard one of the principle characters is essentially sworn in as a priest reciting Leviticus 8:1-12, Number 16:46-48 and Genesis 33:20. The principle may even wear a collar a robe and carry a sceptre. He is sworn in ‘like’ a priest.

Another is sworn in ‘like’ a prophet and the other ‘like’ a king. Biblical knowledge is not a requirement.

I am convinced that the Lords prayer could be recited backwards in Latin and possibly in English and the ‘brothers’ would happily repeat it without giving a second thought as to its meaning. By this stage they have been immersed in Freemasonry and indoctrinated into a blind, unquestioning state of mind. Yet the Mason considers himself as having been taught to be cautious.

Further Reading:

Catechisms of the Made Men